TYROS Owner’s Manual
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GM System Level 1
“GM System Level 1” is a standard specification that defines the arrangement of voices in a tone
generator and its MIDI functionality, ensuring that data can be played back with substantially the
same sounds on any GM-compatible tone generator, regardless of its manufacturer or model. Tone
generators and song data that meet the “GM System Level 1” bear this GM logo.
GM System Level 2
“GM System Level 2” is a standard specification that enhances the original “GM System Level 1”
and improves song data compatibility. It provides for increased polyphony, greater voice selection,
expanded voice parameters, and integrated effect processing. Tone generators and song data that
meet the “GM System Level 2” specifications bear this GM2 logo.
“XG” is a tone generator format that expands the voice arrangement of the “GM System Level 1”
specification to meet the ever-increasing demands of today’s computer peripheral environment,
providing richer expressive power while maintaining upward compatibility of data. “XG” greatly
expands “GM System Level 1” by defining the ways in which voices are expanded or edited and
the structure and type of effects. When commercially available song data bearing the XG logo is
played back on a tone generator which bears the XG logo, you will enjoy a full musical experience
that includes unlimited expansion voices and effect functions.
The Yamaha XF format enhances the SMF (Standard MIDI File) standard with greater functionality
and open-ended expandability for the future. The TYROS is capable of displaying lyrics when an
XF file containing lyric data is played.
Vocal Harmony
Vocal Harmony employs state-of-the-art digital signal processing technology to automatically add
appropriate vocal harmony or harmonies to a lead vocal line sung by the user. Vocal Harmony can
even change the character and gender of the lead voice as well as the added voices to produce a
wide range of vocal harmony effects.
The DOC voice allocation format provides data playback compatibility with a wide range of
Yamaha instruments and MIDI devices, including the Clavinova series.
Style File Format
The Style File Format —SFF— is Yamaha’s original style file format which uses a unique conver-
sion system to provide high-quality automatic accompaniment based on a wide range of chord
types. The TYROS uses the SFF internally, reads optional SFF style disks, and creates SFF styles
using the Style Creator function.
This product incorporates and bundles computer programs and contents in which Yamaha owns copyrights or with respect
to which it has license to use others’ copyrights. Such copyrighted materials include, without limitation, all computer software,
styles files, MIDI files, WAVE data and sound recordings. Any unauthorized use of such programs and contents outside of
personal use is not permitted under relevant laws. Any violation of copyright has legal consequences. DON’T MAKE, DIS-
Copying of the commercially available software is strictly prohibited except for your personal use.