FF (Fast Forward)
Hold this button down during song playback to fast forward through the song. The song automatically starts
playing back from the selected point as soon as the FF button is released.
nThe REW and FF buttons can also be used when playback is paused; to start playback again from the selected position, press
the SONG button. (In this case, the PAUSE button cannot be used to start playback.)
nThe song cannot be heard when holding down the REW button.
Part on/off control
The YPR-50 lets you independently play back the left-hand and right-hand parts of the songs. For example,
you may want have only the left-hand accompaniment part sound while you practice the melody part with
your right hand.
Pressing the PART button switches among the following three Part On/Off settings:
•Both parts are on (default)
•Only the left part is on – letting you play the other part with your right hand
•Only the right part is on – letting you play the other part with your left hand
The Part lamps indicate which part is selected and active.
nThe Part setting can be changed even during song playback.
nPressing the PART button during Demo song playback automatically cancels the Demo mode and switches to Song mode.
Both parts can be heard.
Only the left part can be heard.
Only the right part can be heard.
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