Configuration page. Use the table below as a guide.
For this setting… Do this…
Select Enabled from the drop-down list.
(That is, click the arrow at the far
right of the box to view the items in the
list, then select Enabled.)
Encapsulation Select your service provider’s
Encapsulation setting from the
drop-down list.
VPI and VCI Enter the VPI and VCI settings for your
service provider. (If you do not know
these settings, refer to the ADSL
Internet Settings Tables on page 45.)
Bridge and IGMP Ensure that Disabled is selected from
both drop-down lists.
IP Address and
Subnet Mask
Enter the values assigned to you by your
service provider for each.
Use DHCP Ensure that the Disabled option button is
Default Route Ensure that Enabled is selected from the
drop-down list.
Gateway IP
Enter the value assigned to you by your
service provider.
Use DNS Ensure that the Disabled option button is
Primary DNS
Enter the value assigned to you by your
service provider.
Secondary DNS
If your service provider gave you a
second DNS server address, enter it.
4 Click Save Changes on the WAN Configuration page. 5 You are redirected automatically to the Basic Setup page.
Click Write Settings to Flash.
Chapter 1: Installation Instructions 21