Appendix D Customer Support
•Web Site: www.zyxel.es
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications, Arte, 21 5ª planta, 28033 Madrid, Spain
•Web Site: www.zyxel.se
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications A/S, Sjöporten 4, 41764 Göteborg, Sweden
•Web Site: www.ua.zyxel.com
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Ukraine, 13, Pimonenko Str., Kiev, 04050, Ukraine
United Kingdom•Support
•Web Site: www.zyxel.co.uk
•FTP Site: ftp.zyxel.co.uk
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications UK, Ltd.,11 The Courtyard, Eastern Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2XB, United Kingdom (UK)
“+” is the (prefix) number you dial to make an international telephone call.
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