P-2302HW/HWL-P1 Series Quick Start Guide


ZyXEL's One-Touch Intelligent Security Technology (OTIST) feature allows you to automatically configure the SSID and WPA-PSK on all OTIST-equipped wireless clients within range of the P-2302HW/HWL-P1.

Note: If you enable OTIST but select Disable wireless security using the wireless wizard, the P- 2302HW/HWL-P1 will create a WPA-PSK automatically.

If you enable OTIST and select Manually assign a WEP key using the wireless wizard, the P- 2302HW/HWL-P1 will replace the WEP key with a WPA-PSK.

Enable OTIST only if your wireless clients support WPA and OTIST.

You must enable OTIST on the P-2302HW/HWL-P1 and all wireless clients within three minutes in any order.

To enable OTIST on wireless clients, click Start in the Adapter screen. The Setup Key is 01234567 by default. If you have previously saved a setup key on the P-2302HW/HWL-P1, use it instead of the default.


Select one connection type from the drop-down list box. Check with your ISP to make sure you use the correct type:



Note: If you were given Internet access settings, enter them in the following fields. Otherwise leave the default settings and just click Next.