Chapter 6 Powerline Network Setup Tutorial

6.0.5 Setting Up a New Network with a New Adapter

This section shows you how to use your new powerline adapters to set up a new powerline network separate to your existing network.

The figure below shows two powerline networks in a house. The first network (1) shows the home computer connected to a printer and access to the Internet. The second network (2) has no Internet access but with a media adapter such as the ZyXEL DMA-1100P you can use your TV to watch movies and play games which are stored on a computer.

Figure 36 Add New Adapters to Make a Second Network




1Connect your new powerline adapter and open the configuration utility as shown in Section 6.0.5 on page 55. The screen shown below appears.

2Type a Network Name that is different from the Network Name for your existing network. Make sure you use the same new Network Name for all new adapters you want to add to your new network.



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