DANGER: This power toolcan bedanger- ous!Thisunitcancauseseriousinjuryincluding amputationorblindnesstotheoperatorandoth- ers.Thewarningsandsafetyinstructionsinthis
manualmustbefollowedtoprovidereasonable safety andefficiency inusingtheunit.Theop-
andinstructions inthismanualandontheunit. ReadtheentireOperator’sManualbeforeas-
thisunittopersonswhoread,understand,and followthewarningsandinstructionsinthisman-
ualandontheunit.Never allowchildrentouse this unit.
WARNING: Follow all warnings and instructions.Failuretodosocanresultinseri-
ous injury.
DANGER:Blade canthrust violently away frommaterialitdoes notcut.Blade thrustcan
cause amputation of arms or legs. Keep peopleandanimals 50feet(15meters)away.
| |
Eye | Thrown | |
Objects | ||
Protection | ||
Leg Guards
WARNING: Trimmer line can throw ob- jects violently. You can be blinded or injured. Wear eye and leg protection.
Hazard Zone
(15 Meters)
WARNING: Hazard zone for thrown ob- jects. Blade/Trimmer line can throw objects
violently. Others can be blinded or injured.
Keeppeopleandanimals 50feet (15meters) away.
WARNING: Do not use trimmer head as a fastening device for the blade.
Stop coasting
blade by contact with cut material
WARNING:Thebladecontinues tospinaf- terthethrottleisreleasedor,engineisturnedoff.
Thecoastingbladecanthrowobjects orseri-
ously cutyouifaccidentallytouched.Stopthe blade by contacting the left hand side of the
coasting blade with material already cut.
S Dress properly. Always wear safety glasses or similar eyeprotection whenop- erating,orperformingmaintenanceonyour unit.(Safetyglassesareavailable.)Always
wear faceor dustmask ifoperationisdusty. Always wear heavy, long pants, long
sleeves,boots,andgloves.Donotgobare- foot or wear sandals.
SSecurehair aboveshoulder length.Secure
or remove loose clothing and jewelry or clothing with loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels,etc.They canbecaughtinmoving
SBeing fully covered alsohelps protectyou from debris and pieces of toxic plants
thrown by spinning line.
SStay Alert.Donotoperateunitwhenyouare tired,ill,or under influenceofalcohol,drugs,
or medication. Watch whatyou aredoing; use common sense.
SWear hearing protectionif youuse theunit for more than
S Never start or run the engine inside a closedroomorbuilding.Breathingexhaust fumes can kill.
SKeep handles free of oil and fuel.
SAlways use the handlebar and a properly adjusted shoulder strap with a blade. See
SLook for and replace damaged or loose parts before eachuse. Look for andrepair
fuel leaks before use. Keep unit in good working condition.
SThrowaway blades thatare bent,warped, cracked,broken,or damagedin any other way. Replace trimmer head parts that are
cracked, chipped, broken, or damaged in any other way before using the unit.
cedures.Keepbladesharp.Keepcuttingline at the proper length.