Functions Introduction
1.Log in to the Web configuration page.
2.Choose Advanced > USB Port in the navigation tree.
3.Enable Ftp Enable.
4.Enter the user name and password of the FTP server in the User name and Password text boxes.
5.Enter the password again in the Confirm Password text box.
6.Click Submit to save the settings.
Step 3 Start the FTP client and access the LAN IP address of the HG552a1 through FTP. The Login dialog box is displayed.
Assume that the LAN IP address of the HG552a1 is To access the LAN IP address of the HG552a1 Internet Explorer, enter FTP://
Step 4 In the Login dialog box, enter the user name and password for logging in to the FTP server (that are set in Step 2), and then click Login.
After the password is verified, you can read or write the USB storage device connected to the HG552a1.
4.3Changing the User Name and Password of the
Web Configuration Page
You can configure all the parameters of the HG552a1 through the Web configuration page. To prevent unauthorized personnel from changing these parameters, you need to use the user name and password to log in to the Web configuration page.
To change the user name and password, do as follows: Step 1 Log in to the Web configuration page.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Maintenance > Account. Step 3 Enter the new user name in the New user name text box.
Step 4 Enter the current password and new password in the Current password and New password text boxes.
Step 5 Enter the new password again in the Confirm password text box for confirmation. Step 6 Click Submit to save the settings.
After you change them successfully, next time log in to the Web configuration page, enter the new user name and password.
If you forget the user name or password that has been changed, you can restore the default settings of the HG552a1 by pressing and holding the RESET button for over 3 seconds. After you restore the default settings, the customized data will be lost. Therefore, press the RESET button with caution.