La Crosse Technology 2800 manual MIN MAX Values, Graphical Forecast

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The weather station can also store data regarding the minimum and maximum values for several properties. The actual min and max values are displayed in the main Heavy Weather Pro window, in the Current Weather tab.

You can also view the date and time that these values were recorded, by viewing the details of a particular min or max value. To view the details about the min and max values for a property, first locate the property you wish to analyze, and then move your mouse cursor over that area.

When you see your mouse cursor to change a hand pointer, double click, and the min max details window will appear.

From here you can review the details regarding the min and max values for the property, and also reset the min and max if you wish.

Note: In many cases, when you Reset the Min/Max values, the values go to zero briefly then quickly refill with the current data as the initial new Mon/Max values.


The graphical forecast section of Heavy Weather Pro provides a visual representation of what the weather is likely to be, based on the current and recent values of relative air pressure.

The upper image displays the expected weather condition, and the lower image represents the recent trending of the relative barometric air pressure.

There are three conditions that Heavy Weather Pro will display:

Fair Weather

Rising Barometer

Partly Cloudy/Sunny

Steady Barometer

Rain / Storm Expected

Falling Barometer

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Contents Heavy Weather Pro Contents G e G e G e Overview Licensing Getting StartedSystem Requirements Installation SET UP Your Weather Station HardwareDownload the Software Installing the Heavy Weather PRO Software Installing the USB Communication Device Synchronization Checklist What is SYNCHRONIZING?Synchronizing Putting the Heavy Weather PRO Software in Synchronize Mode Synchronizing During or Immediately After InstallationPutting the Weather Station in Synchronize Mode DON’T Click the Synchronize Button YETDetailed Instructions Operation If Synchronization is not SuccessfulRepeating the Synchronization Process Main WindowMenu FileEdit ViewHelp ExtrasOptions General Settings Weather Station SettingsPC Software Units History Files Directory Setting AlarmsDirectories Template Files DirectoryMIN MAX Values Graphical ForecastWhat is the DEWPOINT? Temperature and HumidityDewpoint Temperature HOW does the Dewpoint Affect ME?Windchill What is Wind CHILL?MIN and MAX Dewpoint HOW does Wind Chill Affect ME?Relative AIR Pressure What is Relative PRESSURE?Relative Pressure Alarm AIR Pressure and Weather ForecastingLast Hour RainLast 24 Hours Last Month Last WeekTotal Current Wind Speed Wind Direction History IndicatorsAlarm GustOverview CHARTS, Graphs and TrendsWhat is a TEMPLATE? History FileWhat is a GRAPH? There are two parts of the main window Template TAB File Management WindowHistory TAB Graph TABWorking with History Data and Files Viewing History Data RecordsGeneral Properties Working with Template FilesTemplate Properties Window Graph PropertiesData Properties Saving a Template AS a Graph StatusMinutes Opening a Graph Identifying the Chart Type Moving the ChartWorking with Graphs and Templates ZoomingZooming OUT HOW do I Export Data from Heavy WEATHER? Troubleshooting / FAQWIND, Outdoor TEMP, Dewpoint and Windchill are Blank Uninstalling Heavy Weather WHY do I see BIG Spikes in the Wind or Rain DATA?Heavy Weather PRO does not Reconnect to the Weather Station