Before'starting, be sure to read the safety warnings and installation instructions.
Check oil level in pump
Turn on the water supply.
When the unit is notin use, turn off.the watersupply.
When shutting down for theordayweekend,shut off the unit, shut off the water supplyvalve, and trigger the gun to relieve pressure. Wipeoff the unit with a damp rag.
water supply is completely turned on and that the water tank is full before operating.
Inspect all connectionsforany leaks. Tighten if necessary.
Trigger the gun to release any
DO NOT wire or tie the gun trigger intoopenthe or triggered position.
Push starter switch toON position.
The 1020E comes with anupstreamchemical injector system. See photo on page 3. When using
the chemical injector insert plasticchemical linewith filter into chemical container. Close large gate valve
at water tank outlet until valve bottoms out against factory installed sleeve. Open needle valve, directly connected to the gate valve.
spraying,forlongerpumplife. The pump will
overheatifleftrunningfor over 10 minutes without spraying.
Check filter on inside of water tank at the outlet at least once a month. If filter isplugged, remove from tank and disassemble filter. Rinse parts off, reassemble filter and replace in water tank.
Ifwatersurgesoccurwhileusingunit,thisis an indication that the.filter might needcleaning.
THE PUMPMUST NOT BE RUN DRY andmustbe drainedofwaterbeforeexposuretofreezing
temperatures. Use and store the unit whereit will not be subjected. to freezing temperatures. Ifwater does freeze in the unit, thaw before trying to startA. 50% antifreezesolutionmaybepumpedpriortocold
weather storage.
pour hot wateron afrozenpump. A sudden temperaturechangemaycracktheceramic plungers.
Theneedlevalvemaybe used to adjustchemical flow.
If chemical does not come up chemical hose, check chemical filter on the endof hose.
Check thedistance youwill need to hold spraynozzle from surface by test.spraying on a scrap of similar material. For soft surfaces, suchas wood, hold nozzle about 3 ft. (1 m) from surface and gradually bring it closer,check to see if thehighpressurespray is damaging the surface.
remains,repeatprocedure,letting it soak a little longer.Protectsurfaces that might be damaged by cleaning solution or high pressure spray. and rinse solution before it dries.
When you have finished cleaning, shut off unit and trigger spray gun to relieve pressure.
Tank Manual, 801
Do not pump caustic materials.
Before extended storage, flush the pumpwith light oil.
Avoid dragging hoseover an abrasivesurfacesuch cement,Thiscausesexcessivewearandshorter
hose life.
Lubrication and Care
Fill pump crankcase to dot on gaugeoil window with
54 oz. (1.6 liters) of crankcase oil (part no. 801
orequivalentSA€ 40 weighthydraulicoil with antiwear and rust inhibitor additives. Change initial fill after 50 hour running period. Change oil every 3 months or at 500 hour intervals.
'N€V€/?alter adjustmentor modify the unloader
Altering or adjusting unloaderwillnot increase performance of unit.
Service of the unloader must.be performed only by qualified service personnel.