Hintsfor Best Performance
First "walk" the tiller over to the work area. To do this, lock the depth bar out of the way, set the throttle in the slow
position, place the control lever in the forward position and maintain a light
upward pressure on the handles. Your tiller will "walk" over the top of theground
without the tines entering thesoil.
Forward Pos
Bar Up
If the garden is turned over in the Fall, the soil should be finely pulverized in the Spring. A finely pulverized seed bed is essential for germination. Spring is the time to work in humus. Six bushels per hundred square fee'tand a
complete garden fertilizer at the rate of four pounds per hundred square feet is recommended.
Just before planting the seeds, finely pulverize the soil and make a smoothbed.
Plant your seeds as instructed on the seed packet then cover them lightly with fine soil. You normally cover the seed with 3 times the width of the seed. On flower seeds, the soil can be sifted through an old window screen. Tamp the soil gently. You must have contact between the soil and the seed.
The seeds must have water to germi- nate. Use a fine spray to prevent washing out the seeds. The larger the plants you are planting, the deeper you should till.