Generac Mega 2500 Extended Life Generator
The Owner/Operator is responsible for making sure that all periodic maintenance tasks are completed on a timely basis; that all discrepancies are corrected; and that the unit is kept clean and properly stored. Never operate a damaged or defective generator.
NOTE: We DO NOT recommend using a garden hose to clean generator. Water can enter engine fuel system and cause problems. In addition, if water enters genera- tor through cooling air slots, some of the water will be retained in voids and cracks of the rotor and stator wind- ing insulation. Water and dirt buildup on the generator internal windings will eventually decrease the insulation resistance of these windings.
See engine manual for instructions.
Generator maintenance consists of keeping the unit clean and dry. Operate and store the unit in a clean dry environment where it will not be exposed to excessive dust, dirt, moisture or any corrosive vapors. Cooling air slots in the generator must not become clogged with snow, leaves or any other foreign material.
Check the cleanliness of the generator frequently and clean when dust, dirt, oil, moisture or other foreign sub- stances are visible on its exterior surface.
•Use a damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
•Soft, bristle brush may be used to loosen caked on dirt or oil.
•A vacuum cleaner may be used to pick up loose dirt and debris.
•Low pressure air (not to exceed 25 psi) may be used to blow away dirt. Inspect cooling air slots and open- ing on generator. These openings must be kept clean and unobstructed.
Refer to engine manual for information.
E x t e n d e d L i f e G e n e r a t o r