connector board
Figure 6. Attaching the encoder connector board. (XT10 Shown)
by adding or removing washers. This is important when using the optional IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator, since the optical tube must be exactly vertical during the
Installing the Eyepiece Rack
The aluminum eyepiece rack is a standard accessory on SkyQuest IntelliScope Dobsonians. It holds three 1.25" eye- pieces and one 2" eyepiece (three 1.25" eyepieces on the XT6) in a convenient place on the base, within easy reach while you’re observing. A 1.25" barlow lens also can be held in the rack. A few inches down from the top of the front brace panel you will notice two predrilled starter holes, about 6" apart. Thread the black wood screws into the starter holes with a Phillips screwdriver. Then you can “keyhole” the eye- piece rack onto the wood screws and continue tightening the screws (Figure 8). If you want to be able to remove the rack, do not tighten the screws too tightly. Be certain that the screws are loose enough that you can lift the rack and remove it from the screws through the larger part of the keyhole. If you want to have the rack permanently attached, tighten the screws. You may find it easier to carry the base by the handle if the eyepiece rack is removed.
Placing the Optical Tube on the Dobsonian Base
Lift the optical tube and gently place it into the Dobsonian base so that the altitude bearings on either side of the tube rest on the bearing cylinders. Orient the optical tube as shown in Figure 9. Make certain that the optical tube does not get
Vertical Stop
Figure 7. The vertical stop
Figure 8. Using the two supplied screws, install the aluminum eyepiece rack in the predrilled holes near the top of the front baseplate.
hung up on the vertical bumper stop or the CorrecTension pads as you put it in place. Be careful when placing the tube on the bearings, since if it is inserted at the wrong angle the hub can strike the encoder connector board and potentially damage it. Once on the bearing cylinders, the tube should
Figure 9. Lift the optical tube and place it into the Dobsonian base so that the altitude bearings rest on the bearing cylinders. Orient the optical tube as shown. Do not bump the encoder connector board or vertical stop when installing the optical tube.
pivot freely up and down with gentle hand pressure. Note that the tube will not yet be properly balanced, since the eyepiece and finder scope are not in place, and the CorrecTension sys- tem has not been installed.
Installing the CorrecTension Friction
Optimization System
An exciting feature of the SkyQuest IntelliScope Dobsonian is the redesigned CorrecTension (XT) system. Because of their relatively light weight, smaller Dobsonians (under 16") have always been plagued by insufficient friction on the altitude bearing surfaces. As a result, such telescopes move up and