Care and Maintenance
If you give your telescope reasonable care, it will last a life- time. Store it in a clean, dry, dust-free place, safe from rapid changes in temperature and humidity. Do not store the tele- scope outdoors, although storage in a garage or shed is OK. Keep the dust caps and covers on when not in use.
Cleaning Lenses
Any quality optical lens cleaning tissue and optical lens clean- ing fluid specifically designed for multi-coated optics can be used to clean the exterior lens surfaces of the GoScope’s objective lens, eyepiece, and reflex sight. Never use regular glass cleaner or cleaning fluid designed for eyeglasses. Before cleaning with fluid and tissue, blow any loose particles off the lens with a blower bulb or compressed air. Then apply some cleaning fluid to a tissue, never directly on the optics. Wipe the lens gently in a circular motion, then remove any excess fluid with a fresh lens tissue. Oily fingerprints and smudges may be removed using this method. Use caution; rubbing too hard may scratch the lens. For the large surface of the objective lens, clean only a small area at a time, using a fresh lens tis- sue on each area. Never reuse tissues.
Objective lens: | Achromatic, air-spaced, fully coated |
Aperture: | 70mm |
Focal length: | 350mm |
Focal ratio: | f/5 |
Diagonal: | 45° correct-image prism, accepts |
| 1.25" eyepieces |
Eyepieces: | 20mm eyepiece (17.5x) and 10mm |
| eyepiece (35x), fully coated, 1.25", |
| threaded for Orion filters |
Finder scope: | EZ Finder II reflex sight |
Tripod: | 3-way pan head, adjustable height |
Tripod height range: | 15.5" to 52.5" |
Case: | Backpack carry case included |
Total weight: | 5 lbs. 13.5 oz. |
Figure 7a. The supplied GoScope accessories can be stored and transported in the outer pocket.
Figure 7b. The GoScope disassembled and in its backpack carry case.