Telescope Focal Length | Angular Field of View | Image Scale of the Moon | Image Scale of M42 |
3000mm | 27.8’ X 18.1 |
3910mm | 21.3’ X 13.9’ |
Appendix C.
Summarized Procedure to Imaging Deep Sky Objects
Action | Process Tree |
Image Capture
1.Focus on a moderately bright star at Camera Control Window, Mode � Light Color 1x1, Single � Expose (approx 1 second)
least 30º (or more above the horizon). |
| Draw a subframe around the star to focus on |
| Camera Control Window, Mode � Light Color 1x1, Single � Expose (fraction of a second) |
| Focus on the star. |
| Camera Control Window, Subframe � Reset |
2. Acquire and center the deep sky object | Take some single exposures to ensure the object focus, centering, and orientation are correct. |
you want to image. Autosave as many |
images as you would like (5 or more | Camera Control Window, Mode � Light Color 1x1, Single � Expose (X # of seconds) |
images is recommended to later |
combine). | Begin capturing and saving the deep sky images. For best results, choose Light Raw 1x1. |
| Camera Control Window, Mode � Light Raw 1x1, Autosave (X # of images) � Expose (X # of seconds) |
3.Take a dark frame right before or after Camera Control Window, Mode � Dark Raw 1x1, Autosave
Cover telescope objective.
Camera Control Window � Expose