Chapter 3 – Software Operation
To create a sticky note:
•Launch Sticky Notes and the application automatically opens to a new note.
•Start writing on the surface of the note.
•Click the red record button to record a voice message for a maximum of 30 seconds per note.
•To create another note, click the New Note button.
Tablet PC also comes with the InkBall accessory, a game to challenge and develop your tablet pen skills. The object of InkBall is to earn points by drawing ink strokes that guide colored balls into holes of the same color.
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Chapter 3 – Software Operation
How to write in Microsoft Excel or Word files
In order to use the Tablet PC features in these applications, you must obtain the Microsoft Office XP Pack for Tablet PC. This is available only from Microsoft's website. If you use the pen to write in Microsoft Word or Excel, and you are sharing the file with another user who does not have Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, they will be able to see the ink comments if they are using Office 95 or a newer versions. However they will not be able to do anything with the document such as editing in ink, etc.
Can user rights limit functionality of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition?
The same user rights that apply to Windows XP Professional also apply to Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.
Can I reinstall or remove one of my Tablet PC components? Tablet PC components cannot be independently installed, removed, or reinstalled.
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