Lenovo 13 manual Safety information

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Safety information

A CD-ROM drive, a DVD-ROM drive, or any other storage device installed may contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following:


Emits visible and invisible laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam.

Radiação por raio laser ao abrir. Não olhe fixo no feixe de luz, não olhe diretamente por meio de instrumentos óticos e evite exposição direta com o feixe de luz.

Rayonnement laser si carter ouvert. Évitez de fixer le faisceau, de le regarder directement avec des instruments optiques, ou de vous exposer au rayon.

Laserstrahlung bei geöffnetem Gerät. Nicht direkt oder über optische Instrumente in den Laserstrahl sehen und den Strahlungsbereich meiden.

Kinyitáskor lézersugár ! Ne nézzen bele se szabad szemmel, se optikai eszközökkel. Kerülje a sugárnyalábbal való érintkezést!

Aprendo l’unità vengono emesse radiazioni laser. Non fissare il fascio, non guardarlo direttamente con strumenti ottici e evitare l’esposizione diretta al fascio.

Radiación láser al abrir. No mire fijamente ni examine con instrumental óptico el haz de luz. Evite la exposición directa al haz.


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Contents Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga Page Contents Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga About this manualSafety information General safety Electrical safety Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Safety inspection guide Grounding requirements Safety notice Safety notices multilingual translationsLenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Safety information Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Safety information Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Safety information Laser compliance statement Safety information Strategy for replacing FRUs Before replacing partsImportant notice for replacing a system board Strategy for replacing a hard disk driveOriginal part Important information about replacing RoHS compliant FRUsGeneral checkout What to do first Following are not covered under warrantyChecking the AC adapter Power system checkoutChecking operational charging Checking the battery pack Restoring the factory contents by using Recovery Disc Set Related service informationSupervisor password PasswordsPower-on password Hard-disk passwordScreen blank state Power managementPutting the computer to sleep or shutting it down Shutting down the computer Feature Description SpecificationsPorts Hdmi port × Status indicators Hotkeys Description HotkeysLogic card to plastic FRU replacement noticesScrew notices Plastic to plasticRemoving and replacing an FRU Removal steps of keyboard KeyboardLenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Step Screw quantity Color Torque Keyboard bezelLenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Removal steps of battery pack Battery packLenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Removal steps of dummy card Dummy cardRemoval steps of Dimm DimmRemoval steps of SSD Card SSD CardRemoval steps of fan assembly and heat sink assembly Fan assembly and Heat Sink assemblyLenovo IdeaPad Yoga Important notices for handling the system board System boardRemoval steps of system board Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 Hardware Maintenance Manual Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga LCD unit When installingLenovo IdeaPad Yoga M2 × 2 mm, flat-head, nylok-coated Black Kgfcm Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga M2 × 3 mm, flat-head, nylok-coated Black Kgfcm Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga Applying labels to the base cover Removal steps of LCD front bezel LCD front bezelFront view LocationsBottom and Left-side view Right-side view Parts list Overall Parts list-Overall Venusrubberfootbacksilver Keyboard Miscellaneous parts Parts list-Miscellaneous parts AC adapters Parts list-2-pin AC adaptersParts list-2-pin power cords Power cordsPage Trademarks