Getting further help
If you still can’t solve your problem, please contact the Lenovo Support Center. For more information on contacting the Customer Support Center, please see Appendix A, “Service and Support,” on page
Service information
Product numbers
The product number for your monitor is located on the side of the display bezel as shown below.
Customer responsibilities
The warranty does not apply to a product which has been damaged due to accident,
misuse, abuse, improper installation, usage not in accordance with product
specifications and instructions, natural or personal disaster, or unauthorized
alterations, repairs or modifications.
The following are examples of misuse or abuse and not covered by warranty:
·Images burned onto the screen of a CRT monitor. Burned image is preventable by utilizing a moving screen saver or power management.
·Physical damage to covers, bezel, base and cables.
·Scratches or punctures on monitor screens.
Chapter 3. Reference information