NEC 320Fd warranty NECCare Service

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T his Prod uct is warra nted in accorda nc e with the te r ms o f this limited wa rra nty. Co nsumers are ca utio ned tha t Product perfor ma nce is a ffected b y syste m co nfigur atio n, soft ware, the applica tio n, c usto me r data, a nd operator control o f the syste m, a mo ng other fac tors .

While N EC Corpora tio n o f A meric a prod ucts are co nsidered to be co mp atib le with ma n y syste ms, the spe cific func tio nal

imp le me ntatio n b y the c usto mer s o f the product ma y var y.

T here fore, the suitab ility of a prod uc t for a spec ific purpo se or applica tio n must be deter mined b y the c usto me r a nd is not

wa rra nted b y NE C Corpo ratio n o f A meric a .

It’s quick and convenient to register your new NEC Corporation of America Express5800/300 Series Server to receive fast service and support . It’s easy! To register online, just go to:


NECCare Service

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Contents NECCare TM Proprietary Notice and Liability Disclaimer Contents Installation Services Warranty RegistrationIntroduction Program HighlightsRegistered Limited Warranty Relocation Services Who is Protected? What is Covered and What is Not Covered?How You Can Get Warranty Service Limitation of Damages and Implied Warranties NECCare Service 461-00013-001