Using Learning Exercises
▲ Flashcards
1. Press | learn or if you are in the | |
Main menu, highlight | and | |
press | enter . |
2. Use
to highlight Flashcards and press enter to select it.
Using Learning Exercises
▲SAT Word List
1. Press learn .
2. Use to highlight SAT Word List and press enter to view the list.
My Flashcards uses words on My Word List. SAT Flashcards uses words on the SAT Word List.
3. Select the list you want and press enter .
A word will appear on the screen for you to study or define. If needed, press enter to see the definition. Press back to return to Flashcards.
4.Press space to see a new word.
5.Press clear when done.
Press or
to scroll through the SAT Word List. You can also type a letter to go to the first word beginning with that letter. For example, type t.
Press enter or thes at any word to view its definition or thesaurus entry. Press back to return to the list.