Playing the Games
Hangman selects a mystery word and challenges you to guess it letter by letter. The letters of the mystery word are hidden by question marks. The number of guesses remaining is indicated by #’s.
Type letters that you think are in the mystery word. If you are correct, the letter appears in place of the corre- sponding question mark(s).
Type an anagram and then press enter . Use the arrow keys to view anagrams you’ve already entered. Hold cap and press ? * to shuffle the letters in the selected word. Press ? * to end a round
and reveal the word(s). Press enter | to see |
the definition of the word or press | thes to |
see the thesaurus entry. Press back | to |
return to Anagrams. |
Playing the Games
Word Train™
In Word Train, you and the train take turns typing letters to form a word. Whoever types the last letter of the word wins. To view the letters you can type at your turn, hold cap and press ? * . Press
?* to end a round and reveal the word. Press enter to see the definition of the
word or press thes to see the thesau- rus entry. Press back to return to Word Train.
Word Builder
Word Builder makes anagrams for you. Before you play, type letters you want Word Builder to build words from and press
enter . Word Builder shows the anagrams it has built. This could help you in games like Scrabble. To see the definition or thesaurus entry of a particular anagram,