•Configure COM Port... – invokes a dialog for selecting a PC COM port that will be used to communicate with an IntuiKey keyboard. Selections are limited to COM1 through COM16.
Toolbar button:
9.5Server Menu
•Set Allegiant Server Document Association... (either the Allegiant LTC 8059/00 Master Control Software for Windows® or the LTC 8850/00 Allegiant GUI software must be installed on the PC for this option to be enabled) – opens a dialog which allows an Allegiant server (.alg) pathname to be stored in conjunction with the currently active IntuiKey Configuration (.int) file.
Toolbar button:
•Launch Allegiant Server (either the Allegiant LTC 8059/00 Master Control Software for Windows® or the
LTC 8850/00 Allegiant GUI software must be installed on the PC for this option to be enabled) – launches the Allegiant server (.alg) file specified in the Server Set Allegiant Server Document Association... option. Toolbar button:
If the .alg file is available, the Philips GUI Allegiant Server dialog will appear. If intending to make changes to the .alg file’s Command Script macros, a user must log in with an installer level profile. The default installer profile has the user name Installer and password 1. Refer to the Allegiant server software manual for additional information.
9.6Window Menu
•Cascade – arranges multiple .int files in an overlapped fashion.
•Tile – arranges multiple .int files in a nonoverlapping fashion. Some overlap may occur if the main window is too small for a completely nonoverlapped display.
•Arrange Icons – arranges minimized (iconified) .int files in a nonoverlapping fashion.
9.7Help Menu
•About... – displays version/copyright information for the