Language Table that is compatible with the keyboard firmware. Language Table compatibility information can be found in the table in Appendix D.
Whenever a customized Language Table file is saved, it is recommended to include the appropriate Meta Data Schema number at the end of its file name. Meta Data Schema numbers of Language Tables already loaded into the
8.2.1Language Table Forms
Language table forms are displayed when a language table node has been selected in the tree control. This form displays the language table’s name (Table Description) which will appear in the keyboard’s Language Select softkey menu. More information about customizing language table names is included in a later section.
8.2.2Miscellaneous String Forms
These forms display the language table’s miscellaneous strings (string is another name for a text message). A keyboard will display these strings on its LCDs at various places and times during operation.
8.1Tree Control (Left Pane)
The tree’s root node is labeled Language Tables. The root node’s immediate subnodes (language table nodes) represent the language tables contained in the IntuiKey Configuration (.int) file (e.g.: 1 – English).
Each language table node has four immediate subnodes which represent its major subdivisions. They are labeled as follows: Miscellaneous Strings, Error Messages, User Functions, and Softkey Menus.
The Softkey Menus node has several subnodes which represent the language table’s softkey menus. Softkey menu nodes have labels that generally describe the collective functionality of their 14 softkeys (e.g. 31 – Camera Functions).
If a tree node represents a portion of a language table’s contents, then selecting it will cause those contents to be displayed in a form in the
8.2Forms (Right Pane)
If the language table is not intended to be modified (i.e., read- only), then its forms’ buttons and edit boxes will be disabled.
1 - English is a
8.2.3Error Message Forms
These forms display the language table’s error messages. A keyboard will display these messages on its LCDs to indicate various types of system and user related errors.
8.2.4User Function Forms
These forms display the language table’s user functions. User functions correspond to various Allegiant system programming features. Refer to the Allegiant manual for complete information.