Black Box ACU4201A, ACU4222A, ACU4001A manual Safety Precautions and Installation Guidelines

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Safety Precautions and Installation Guidelines

To ensure reliable and safe long-term operation please note the following installation guidelines:

Do not use to link between buildings.

Only use in dry, indoor environments.

If the building has 3-phase AC power, try to ensure that equipment connected to the Local and Remote units is on the same phase.

Try not to route the CATx link cable alongside power cables.

Ensure that the system connected to the Local unit is connected to power ground.

Ensure that the monitor connected to the Remote unit is connected to power ground and does not use an isolated power supply.

The Remote unit and any power supplies can get warm. Do not situate them in an enclosed space without any airflow.

Do not place the power supply directly on top of the Remote unit.

Do not obscure the Remote unit’s ventilation holes.

This product is not suitable for use in isolated medical environments.

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Contents USB Micro Extender Welcome to the ServSwitch Family Servswitch FamilyServswitch Brand USB Micro Extender Family Copyrights and TrademarksFCC/CDC Statements European Union Declaration of Conformity NOM Statement Servswitch Brand USB Micro Extender Family Safety Precautions and Installation Guidelines Safety Precautions and Installation GuidelinesContents Quick Setup Quick SetupIntroduction GlossaryOverview CPUFeatures Local Video OutputProduct Range Single Video Channel Kit StandardDual Video Channel Kit Standard Dual Video Channel Kit AudioExtender Compatibility CompatibilityInterface Compatibility How to Use This Guide Adjusting VideoConnection & Compatibility Interconnection CableInstallation Package ContentsInstallation Cable Pinning/PairingPin Color EIA-568B Signal Interconnection Cable RequirementsInterconnect Cable Length DIP Switch Position Remote Unit InstallationSetting the Cable Length DIP Switches Connecting the Remote Unit RemoteUnit Audio DeviceRemote Unit front view Local Unit Installation Computer Local UnitLocal Unit rear view Local Unit front view Video Image is not sharp, or is badly smearedOnly need video extension not USB but I can’t get a picture Monitor sometimes goes blank for a second or twoTroubleshooting USBAudio SerialGeneral Questions Appendix a Example Applications Appendix a Example Applications ACU4001A Remote UnitDual-monitor consoles with serial and audio extension Home entertainment system Appendix B Rack Mount Options RMK19U-X3 Mounting KitOperation & Multi-Port Configuration Serial Interface Set Up and OperationAppendix C AUDIO/SERIAL Ports Serial Interface Handling Multiple Serial DevicesAudio Interface Set Up and Operation Audio Interface Using a MicrophoneAppendix D Calling Black BOX Shipping and PackagingMaximum Resolution Video Input ConnectorsVideo Output Connectors Local Unit ConnectorAppendix E Specifications Operating Temperature Storage TemperatureACU4001A ACU4201A

ACU4222A, ACU4001A, ACU4201A specifications

The Black Box ACU4201A, ACU4001A, and ACU4222A are advanced solutions designed to enhance audio-visual integration in various commercial and industrial settings. These units are part of the Black Box family that focuses on asserting control over media transmission through a comprehensive platform, ensuring optimal performance for any audio-visual infrastructure.

The Black Box ACU4201A stands out with its ability to support a wide range of audio and video interfaces. It can accommodate HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort, and VGA inputs, making it an incredibly versatile unit for different AV setups. Its robust capabilities include extending signals over long distances without compromising quality, thanks to its advanced signal processing technology. This unit enables seamless transition and control among multiple devices, making it an ideal choice for environments demanding quick switchovers, such as corporate meeting rooms or educational facilities.

On the other hand, the ACU4001A is a compact and efficient solution tailored for smaller applications. It offers significant flexibility while providing essential features like automatic switching and support for resolutions up to 4K. The ACU4001A not only ensures efficient management of AV signals but does so with a user-friendly interface that simplifies operation for users. Its built-in support for areas where connecting various types of media is crucial makes it a go-to choice for creative spaces or huddle rooms.

The ACU4222A serves a specific niche within the series, focusing on distributed audio-video solutions. It is equipped with multi-channel capabilities that allow simultaneous handling of various signals. The ACU4222A supports PoE (Power over Ethernet), which simplifies installation by reducing the need for additional power supplies. This model is perfect for large conference rooms or public venues where multiple input sources are connected to multiple displays.

All three units share common technologies, including advanced scaling, EDID management, and seamless video switching, ensuring compatibility with a vast array of devices. They feature user-friendly web-based management interfaces, allowing network administrators to monitor and control the systems remotely. With their robust design and performance, the ACU series by Black Box represents a step forward in achieving seamless audio-visual integration that can cater to an array of professional environments.