IBM pSeries manual Mpstatistics, Memoryaffinity

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Single Thread Usage(MP_SINGLE_THREAD)

Hints Filtered (MP_HINTS_FILTERED)


MPI-I/O Error Logging (MP_IO_ERRLOG)



System Checkpointable (CHECKPOINT)

LoadLeveler Gang Scheduler

DMA Receive FIFO Size (Bytes)

Max outstanding packets

LAPI Max Packet Size (Bytes)

LAPI Ack Threshold (MP_ACK_THRESH)

LAPI Max retransmit buf size (MP_REXMIT_BUF_SIZE)

LAPI Max retransmit buf count (MP_REXMIT_BUF_CNT)

LAPI Maximum Atom Size

LAPI use bulk transfer (MP_USE_BULK_XFER)

LAPI bulk min message size (MP_BULK_MIN_MSG_SIZE)

LAPI no debug timeout (MP_DEBUG_NOTIMEOUT)

Develop Mode (MP_EUIDEVELOP)

Standard Input Mode (MP_STDINMODE)

Standard Output Mode (MP_STDOUTMODE)

Statistics Collection Enabled (MP_STATISTICS)

Number of Service Variables set (MP_S_*)

Interrupt Delay (us) (MP_INTRDELAY)

Sync on Connect Usage (MP_SYNC_ON_CONNECT)

Internal Pipe Size (KBytes)(MP_PIPE_SIZE)

Ack Interval (count)(MP_ACK_INTERVAL)


User Script Name (MP_PRINTENV)

Size of User Script Output


If MP_STATISTICS is set to yes, statistics are collected. However, these statistics are written only when a call is made to mp_statistics_write, which takes a pointer to a file descriptor as its sole argument. These statistics can be zeroed out with a call to mp_statistics_zero. This can be used with calls to mp_statistics_write to determine the communication statistics in different portions of the user application. These statistics are useful for determining if there are excessive packet retransmits, in addition to giving the total number of packets, messages, and data sent or received. The late arrivals are useful in determining how often a receive was posted before the matching message arrived. Early arrivals indicate how often a message is received before the posting of the matching receive.

MP_STATISTICS take the values yes and print. If the value is set to print, the statistics are printed for each task in the job at MPI_FINALIZE. If you set MP_STATISTICS to print, you should also set MP_LABELIO to yes so you know which task each line of output came from.

The following is a sample output of the statistics.


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Image 23
Contents IBM ~pSeries High Performance Switch Contents Mpprintenv Mpstatistics Introduction Mppollinginterval Tunables and settings for switch softwareMPI tunables for Parallel Environment MpeagerlimitMemoryaffinity Mprexmitbufsize and MprexmitbufcntMPI-IO MptaskaffinityMpcssinterrupt Chgsni command File cache Tunables and settings for AIX 5LIP tunables Svmon and vmstat commands Vsid Esid Type Description LPage Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual SvmonPin Pgsp Virtual VmstatLarge page sizing Pshpstuningguidewp040105.doc Amount of memory available Large pages and IP supportMemory affinity for a single Lpar Rsct daemons Debug settings in the AIX 5L kernelDaemon configuration Reducing logging LoadLeveler daemonsReducing the number of daemons running AIX 5L mail, spool, and sync daemons Settings for AIX 5L threadsPlacement of POE managers and LoadLeveler scheduler Iptrclvl setting Debug settings and data collection toolsLsattr tuning Driverdebug settingAffinity LPARs Small Real Mode Address Region on HMC GUIDeconfigured L3 cache Service focal pointMultiple versions of MPI libraries Errpt commandHMC error logging Mpprintenv Memoryaffinity MpstatisticsDropped switch packets Nddipacketsmsw 0x00000000 Nddipacketslsw Packets dropped in the ML0 interface Packets dropped because of a hardware problem on an endpoint Mpinfolevel Packets dropped in the switch hardwareLapidebugperf LapidebugcommtimeoutHPS documentation AIX 5L trace for daemon activityConclusions and summary Additional readingIBM Redbooks POWER4MPI documentation AIX 5L performance guidesPshpstuningguidewp040105.doc