5.10 MP_PRINTENV | 22 | |
5.11 MP_STATISTICS | 23 | |
5.12 Dropped switch packets | 24 | |
5.12.1 Packets dropped because of a software problem on an endpoint .... | 24 | |
5.12.2 Packets dropped in the ML0 interface | 26 | |
5.12.3 Packets dropped because of a hardware problem on an endpoint... | 27 | |
5.12.4 Packets dropped in the switch hardware | 28 | |
5.13 MP_INFOLEVEL | 28 | |
5.15 LAPI_DEBUG_PERF | 29 | |
5.16 AIX 5L trace for daemon activity | 30 | |
6.0 Conclusions and summary | 30 | |
7.0 Additional reading | 30 | |
7.1 | HPS documentation | 30 |
7.2 | MPI documentation | 31 |
7.3 | AIX 5L performance guides | 31 |
7.4 | IBM Redbooks | 31 |
7.5 POWER4 | 31 |
pshpstuningguidewp040105.doc | Page 3 |