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DocuTech® Production Publishers,
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today’s DocuTech® Production Publisher can do more for you.
Xerox DocuTech® Production Publisher
O v e r v i e w
Image quality that’s a cut above
Today’s DocuTech delivers the image quality to add the
As dependable as the sunrise
From marketing materials to collateral and countless other
Xerox DocuCard®
Financial Reports
Sets the standard for growing variable information needs
And the technology extends beyond the print engine. Variable information and personalized printed communications are proven elements of growth in the printing industry. DocuTech, its Xerox FreeFlowTM
DocuSP® controller and Xerox FreeFlow
Regulatory Documentation
workflow products offer a variable infor- mation solution unchallenged in its
Music Book
We’re going to change the way you look at
We’re not only changing the way you look at DocuTech, we’re changing the ways you can achieve success.
Architectural Schematic
© 2005 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox FreeFlowTM, DocuSP®, DocuCard®, DocuTech®, MeterAssistSM, VIPP®, prInteractTM and the Xerox FreeFlow logo are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Product appearance, build status and/or specifications are subject to change without notice. In support of Xerox's environmental leadership goals, this product may contain some recycled components that are reconditioned. The Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee applies to equipment under a Xerox warranty or a Full Service Maintenance Agreement and is subject to certain conditions. 10/05. 610P724510