Xerox DC 555, DC 545, DC 535 manual PCL Fonts, Font Name PCL Escape Command

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PCL Fonts

The following PCL fonts are resident with the Phoenix interpreter.

Each of these commands references a 12-point font. If you wish to use any other point size, change the 12v to the desired size (.25 - 999.75).

The commands listed use the default symbol set, Roman-8. To change the symbol set, you include the alternate symbol set after the first <ESC> and before the second <ESC>. Use the line printer examples as a reference.

Font Name

PCL Escape Command

Albertus Medium




Albertus Extra Bold






Antique Olive




Antique Olive Bold




Antique Olive Italic










Arial Bold




Arial Italic




Arial Bold Italic






CG Times




CG Times Bold




CG Times Italic




CG Times Bold Italic






CG Omega




CG Omega Bold




CG Omega Italic




CG Omega Bold Italic






Clarendon Condensed
















Courier Bold




Courier Italic




Courier Bold Italic






Garamond Antiqua




Garamond Halbfett




Garamond Kursiv




Garamond Kursiv Halbfett




Line Printer (Roman-8)




Line Printer (Latin-1)




Line Printer (PC-8)





Document Centre Technical Support Operations

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Contents Overview Accessing Extended FeaturesUsing this Guide Feature Description Print FeaturesFeature Description PostScript Feature Implementation ValuesOidvaloutputbinstacker OidvaloutputbinsideOidvalfeededgeshortleading OidvalfeededgeshorttrailingOidattfirstlastpageimag Oidattfirstpage ImagedOidattfirstpage OidattfirstpagemediasizOidvalinterleaveblank OidvaljobtypeprintOidvaljobtypeproofprint OidvalinterleavenoneBasic PostScript Template Euro FontPostscript Data Stream Inserted Here Example 1 Header for Simple Print Sample PostScript HeadersPostScript Feature Dependencies/Caveats @PJL Comment PCL Print FeaturesOidattpclcustomdimensions @PJL Comment Oidattjobname@PJL Comment Oidattfinishing OidattdefaultmediumtypeOidattdefaultmedium Color OidvaloutputbintopOidattfirstpagemediasize Oidattfirstlastpage ImagedOidattfirstpagemediatype Oidattfirstpagemedia@PJL Comment Oidattjobtype OidattfirstlastpagemediatyOidattfirstlastpagemedia OidattfirstlastpagemediasizPCL Symbol Set Symbol Set Code Euro Sign Character Code PJL Comments Basic PCL TemplateSample PCL Headers PCL Feature Dependencies/Caveats Portrait Single Staple LocationPostScript Fonts PCL Fonts Font Name PCL Escape CommandFont Name PCL Escape Command Ebcdic Ascii Conversion TableEbcdic DEL Additional Information