Hot Folders with Virtual Printer*
Streamline your workflow
The Hot Folders utility enhances productivity by automating the job submission process and reducing errors caused by mistakes in the job setup. Documents can be printed via drag-and-drop or print-to-file, providing users with optional methods of print- ing to a print engine.
Hot Folders also cuts down on repetitive workflows for faster, error-free printing by enabling users to work beyond their normal levels of expertise, even on complex jobs. The PDF to PostScript® converter can convert any PDF 1.2-1.6 document to PostScript before submitting to the server, enabling support of newer PDF versions, as well as transparency for the imagePASS server.
Virtual Printers gives users a method of printing to the imagePASS that allows administrators to predefine settings to configure redundant print jobs, reduce repetitive steps, and streamline workflow for faster, error-free printing. Administrators can use virtual printers to centrally manage and configure printers as well as enter files with preconfigured settings to automate job submission and shorten turnaround times. Because relevant settings can be preserved by lockable con- straints, with Virtual Printers administrators can also ensure that print processes conform to organizational standards.