Using the Belkin Wireless Network Utility
The Wireless Network Monitor Utility is a central point on your computer that allows you to control your Wireless B USB Network Adapter. Here is a list of the things you can do using the Utility:
•Choose the wireless network you want to connect to
•See a list of all available networks in the area
•See information about the networks in the area that are available to you
•Store profiles for each network that you connect to
•Enable/disable the Adapter’s radio
•Select the default view you will use to connect to your networks
•View and refresh the Adapter’s network IP information
Opening the Wireless Network Monitor Utility
After you have installed the Adapter and the Utility, you will see an icon in the lower right corner of your screen (near the clock).
This is called the system tray icon. The icon will be green when your Adapter is connected to a network and it will be red when there is no connection to a wireless network. After installation, the Adapter will connect to your wireless network automatically.