Technical Details
Technical Features
Integrated ADSL2+ Modem
The integrated ADSL2+ modem allows you to connect to the Internet via your local Internet Service Provider (ISP) without installing and maintaining a separate DSL modem..
Integrated 802..11n Wireless Access Point
NAT IP Address Sharing
To save you the cost of adding IP addresses per computer in your house, your Belkin Router uses Network Address Translation (NAT) technology, allowing you to share a single IP address across your network..
SPI Firewall
Your Router is equipped with a firewall that will protect your network from a wide array of common attacks and viruses..
UPnP AV MediaServer
Easily share the media contents, such as photographs, movies, or music, stored in your USB storage device with other digital media players, such as Microsoft® Xbox®,
Sony® PS3™, etc.., that support the UPnP protocols..