Star Micronics SJ-144MC Specifications, 306Cps 255 CPS 367 CPS 459 Cps, 520CPS 433 Cps 612 CPS

Page 49

Chapter 6 Reference information





Pica (10 CPI)

Elite(12 CPI)

Semi-condensed(15 CPI)

Condensedpica (17 CPI)

Condensedelite(20 CPI)

Plainpaper,Heat fusionprocess 360 X 360dotsper inch

At 7.5 linesper inch

At 6 linesper inch


255 CPS

367 CPS


459 Cps



433 Cps

612 CPS


Note:50%@reduction inColor,OHP,andLabelmodes. Printspeedshavebeenestimatedforeach fontbecause the SJ-144MCprinterdoesnot havebitmappedfonts.



Font styles TrueTypefonts (Suppliedon diskette)


144elements Distancebetweenelements: 1/360inch





HandelGothic,Hobo,Humanist521ExtraBold, Impress,Kaufmann,OCR,Old DreadfulNo. 7, Onyx, Orbit-B,Parisian,Park Avenue,Playbill,P.T. Barnum, RaleighDcmiBold,SchadowBlackCondensed, SeagullHeavy,Shotgun,Tango,UniversityRoman, VAGRounded,Vineta,Windsor

Note: TrueType fonts are supplied on diskette for use with Macintosh applications running System7 or later.



Numberof columns


Pica (10 CPI)


Elite(12 CPI)


Semi-condensed(15 CPI) 120

Condensedpica(17 CPI)


Condensedelite(20 CPI)





Image 49
Contents SJ-144MC VDE Statement Nee E p Ilr n mg Tn p Ar t Tp E pa 1t rpR t u 2 i i n h Ait Op t u3 Eb tIe fo R2 j O i eh Tan R s r n i 3o Ra i rI p Pe o4f t r E ap Tl a a P n t yI ~e R f Bt b It a i s S h Il oE d I s Ua aNt U Ra p P h L oh ao R l t T o t p IsoPage Et hrm C l va a Ata Rd aT r Nt h Ah wtr Pe r ’ Nr Oh r Hl ei Et p e Pa aNor Ro t Ho ha Ne l P Fo t Oe 1a 0ai d e 3 0 Lo 0 a An c Ds n 0m2Iyg E w h e ae a Ai d e s, t. d M 9f 0n E t 3 0 1 t Epn Eet Hb uh l Sn l Uhn tIan 0m2 Oit R n m O aC p A m r ho Mp vf 1a eeEu o t p l Ni p h T o o On ev h n f Aa o e n I n s Pb h4 l AfiPage Pa s Et p Oi o t Tv .l e Abo sRtna Ut w S k h Ht a Wc oE h Oa m T b Eoa Io h o S t NecD t h R r t E d I t T rR H E A i e Wi h n Oa h a Nbn t Oh m E f Rt e N R Mn h T a R e e sl ot w h D o E a . s Pl AewLi a e n Rt e N h a e Eo s tOenrnh Yoi rs Shi p Pt caOa d n F i ei n er c e Ahif Ihm onT pw L a N e nn At l Nl is N o e Ui r h o Ei 8 i e Lt s Eoeh A dR a Oe t Oi eOk h Mi f h Ro a We l Ee s Ai e Nlha O e S Ce c Tiao ia Ro tFpV We b g l o Er ‘ Ez s Od e C r o IaE l l f t h n1 @g l i tc 6eel y c, nT ap L s Hl n s R d T d Ts u Nf o u Y c O t ie a o y O c otm FHs lm z I o lAme Sr gcwTol O e Un e u Y a r c N o er aIho Ry n Se r Oio AniE8 0nr Poe Ub u P uiI u Penh Ei d a O o N a u ’ p n T eOT a a c o L k Se t Ikp L r G u sT r I o Lt e b L w Ig t Dl e Ec e Y g c OaoN h nh c Nt t A h oo Nnt Oh r n n d R s r n Ef ogEs a n i it RhtR s Nos Ho s O a Hor Sle O oh s Hi aFi e Page Ai t Op t u Une O o o ai Nrn eeRi th Cr r F e En h Dh r e M t Ubi O l Pp ch r Ool H tw Ti e n h H t a HsfE u n n P h An h Ac i h Oie tf e Rper w Cne Yle RbeP u a o I wr Hv o T i o l E e Tlr bSyh b a r ite Ani vsHe s WayrAlie Hlcow t Uf lAi nat Hc n I sSe c EI r i i t Ht ny i d s Ioi ehSrt s e r Ai m ewn ca Xet n O d Ts bp TubmoIf it is, try returningto thedefaultsetting. Please Page 306Cps 255 CPS 367 CPS 459 Cps Specifications520CPS 433 Cps 612 CPS Laser-qualityoverheadprojectionOHPfilm,and label Hammcrmill’sLascrPrintpaper#lSheetscan alsobc used Printer supply options Size Lcucr Packaging20 films T900F-A4 Overhead projection OHP f’ilm T900F-LTRIron-cmTransfer Sheets T9010-LTR LclcrRxD+ Receivedatainput Interface Connector Pinout of interface connectorTransmissiondatareturnoutmt Page Lamps IndexMedia MultiFinder Networkintcrfacc Not Ready Packagecontcnls PageRange PageSetupPriruingwith OverheadprojectionOHPfilm Star Micronics Bulletin Board Service Customer service informationStar Micronics Technical Hotline Star Micronics FaxBack Document Retrieval SystemCustomer response