TRENDnet User’s Guide |
Doman/URL Filters
Advanced > Access Control
You may want to block computers or devices on your network access to specific websites (e.g. www.trendnet.com, etc.), also called domains or URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). You may also enter a keyword (e.g. instead of complete URL to generally block computers or devices access to websites that may contain the keyword in the URL or on the web page.
1.Log into your router management page (see “Access your router management page” on page 31).
2.Click on Advanced, click on Access Control.
3.Under Access Control, click the Web URL Filter Function
4.Review the settings under Web URL Filter Rules section. Click Apply to save settings.
•LAN IP Address Range – Enter the IP address or IP address range to apply URL Filter (e.g.
•URL: Enter the Website/URL/domain (e.g.www.trendnet.com) or keyword (e.g. trendnet) to block.
•Schedule: Click the
Note: Before applying scheduling, please ensure your Time settings are configured correct and you have defined a schedule. See page 37 to configure Time Settings and see page 38 to create a schedule.
Enabled – Checking the Enabled option activates on the URL filter rule.
Protocol/IP Filters (LAN Client Filters)
Advanced > Access Control
You may want to block computers or devices on your network access to specific ports (used or required by a specific application) to the Internet.
1.Log into your router management page (see “Access your router management page” on page 31).
2.Click on Advanced, click on Access Control.
3.Under Access Control, click the LAN Client Filter Function
4.Review the settings under LAN Client Filter Rules section. Click Apply to save settings.
•LAN IP Address Range – Enter the IP address or IP address range to apply the protocol (e.g.
•Note: The filter will not be applied to IP addresses outside of the range specified. Protocol – Select the protocol type to filter. TCP, UDP.
•Destination Port Range: Enter the port number or range of port numbers to apply in the firewall rule. (e.g.
•Schedule: Click the
Note: Before applying scheduling, please ensure your Time settings are configured correct and you have defined a schedule. See page 37 to configure Time Settings and see page 38 to create a schedule.
•Enabled – Checking the Enabled option activates on the LAN Client Filter rule.
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