IBM manual DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference

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50DFS for Solaris: NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference

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Contents NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Page NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference First Edition April Contents Page Preface AudienceApplicability PurposeRelated Documents Typographic and Keying ConventionsBold Constant widthCtrl- x or ReturnPage Overview of the NFS/DFS Secure Gateway DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Overview of the NFS/DFS Secure Gateway DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Configuring Gateway Server Machines DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Configuring the BOS Server Process Add the group subsys/dce/dfs-admin to the admin.bos file Configuring the Gateway Server Process Invoke the dcecp command $ dcecp Gateway Server process is now fully configured on the machine DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Configuring NFS Clients to Access DFS Configuring a Client Without Enabling Remote Authentication Configuring a Client and Enabling Remote AuthenticationDfslogin DfslogoutDfsgw 438/udp dlog Accessing DFS from an NFS Client Unauthenticated Access to DFSAuthenticated Access to DFS Authenticating to DCE from an NFS Client Hhostname Authenticating to DCE from a Gateway Server Machine Determining Whether a Specific User Is Authenticated to DCE Accessing DFS from an NFS Client DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Configuration File and Command Reference DfsgwLog Purpose DescriptionRelated Information Bos getlog8dfs Dfsgwd8dfsDfsgw Purpose OptionsDfsgw add Dfsgw delete$ dfsgw help command $ dfsgw command -helpDfsgw list Dfsgw queryRelated Information Dfsgw add Purpose SynopsisSysname sysname Remotehost namePrivileges Required Output ExamplesDfsgwdelete8dfs Dfsgwlist8dfs Dfsgwquery8dfs Dfsgw apropos Purpose Topic stringDfsgw help8dfs Dfsgw delete Purpose Dfsgwadd8dfs Dfsgwlist8dfs Dfsgwquery8dfs Dfsgw help Purpose $ dfsgw help listDfsgw apropos8dfs Dfsgw list Purpose Principal Dfsgwadd8dfsDfsgwdelete8dfs Dfsgwquery8dfs Dfsgw query Purpose Dfsgwadd8dfs Dfsgwdelete8dfs Dfsgwlist8dfs Dfsgwd Purpose NodomainsVerbose Description Dcelocal/var/dfs/adm/DfsgwLog Bos getlog8dfs Bosserver8dfs Dfsgw8dfsDfsgwLog4dfs Index Special CharactersDFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference First Edition April DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Trademarks DFS for Solaris NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference Readers’ Comments We’d Like to Hear from You How satisfied are you that the information in this book isReaders’ Comments We’d Like to Hear from You GC09-3993-00Page Program Number NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide