dfsgw add
Adds an entry to the authentication table on the Gateway Server machine
dfsgw add
-id networkID:userID
Identifies an NFS client and the user who is to be authenticated to DCE from that client. Specify either the network address or the hostname of the NFS client. Specify the user’s UNIX user identification number (UID) rather than a username. The command creates an entry for the user in the local authentication table to provide the user with authenticated access to DFS from the specified NFS client.
-dceid login_name[: password]
Specifies the DCE principal name and, optionally, the password, of the user for whom an entry is to be added to the authentication table. If you do not specify a principal name and password, the command prompts for them only if you do not already have a valid
-sysname sysname
Specifies the system name for networkID. This option defaults to the system name of the Gateway Server machine. The sysname argument is a unique name derived from the uname( ) function that describes the machine architecture and OS type, such as sparc_sunos57.
-remotehost name
Specifies the name of the remote host. The default is the hostname of networkID.
-af address_family
Specifies the style of network address to use to identify hosts. By default, the command uses the only address family currently supported, inet (Internet).