Chapter 1 - FTP Adapter | Access to International VANs |
About Sockets
Windows (NT) or BSD (UNIX) Sockets must be installed on the client computer.
♦The Sockets installation must support TCP/IP.
♦The client computer must be able to access an appropriate server. Test this as follows:
! | telnet | 25 | (to test a SMTP | |
! | telnet | 110 | (to test a POP3 |
welcome message from the server. Shut down the session by typing QUIT and pressing Enter.
Note You might not be able to see what you are typing on the screen.
Access to International VANs
Access to international VANs is available when using the FTP adapter. The FTP adapter can be used rather than the VAN adapter when communicating with a Commerce Manager post office. For detailed configuration information, see the Partner Manager Reference Guide.
F T P A d a p t e r R e f e r e n c e G u i d e