IBM SBC-659P Swap Floppy Drive, Boot Up Floppy Seek, Boot Up NumLock Status, Boot Up System Speed

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Swap Floppy Drive

This field is effective only in systems with two floppy drives. Selecting enabled assigns physical drive B to logical drive A, and physical drive A to logical drive B.

Boot Up Floppy Seek

When Enabled, the BIOS tests (seeks) floppy drives to determine whether they have 40 or 80 tracks. Only 360-KB floppy drives have 40 tracks; drives with 720 KB, 1.2 MB, and 1.44 MB capacity all have 80 tracks. Because very few modern PCs have 40-track floppy drives, we recommend that you set this field to Disabled to save time.

Boot Up NumLock Status

Toggle between On or Off to control the state of the NumLock key when the system boots. When toggled On, the numeric keypad generates numbers instead of controlling cursor operations.

Boot Up System Speed

Select High to boot at the default CPU speed; select Low to boot at the speed of the AT bus. Some add-in peripherals or old software (such as old games) may require a slow CPU speed. The default

setting is High.

Gate A20 Option

Gate A20 refers to the way the system addresses memory above 1 MB (extended memory). When set to Fast, the system chipset controls Gate A20. When set to Normal, a pin in the keyboard controller controls Gate A20. Setting Gate A20 to Fast improves system speed, particularly with OS/2 and Windows.

Chapter 3 Award BIOS Setup 51

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Contents SBC-659P Copyright Notice Acknowledgments Message to the Customer Aaeon Customer ServicesProduct Warranty Packing list Page Contents Award Bios Setup Drivers and Utilities General Information Introduction Features Standard Half-size SBC functions SpecificationsCompact Flash socket onboard Mechanical and environmental Board Layout Board Dimensions Installation Removing the CPU Safety precautionsInstalling a CPU Setting jumpers Supplementary information about Dimm Installing SodimmJumpers Function JumpersConnector Function ConnectorsLocating Jumpers and Connectors Locating of Solder Side Connectors Mechanical Drawing Mechanical Drawing Front Panel JP1 Clear Cmos JP2System Frequency JP3 COM2 Ring, +5V, +12V JP4 RS-232/422/485 COM2JP5,JP6 Setting Pin Signal Digital Video Output Connector CN1External Power On Connector CN2 IDE Hard Drive Connector CN3 USB connector CN5, CN6 Floppy Drive Connector CN7 VGA display connector CN8 VGA connector CN8Audio Connector CN9 Ethernet ConnectorsCN12,CN10 COM 1 CN 13 & COM 2 CN 11 Serial Ports Power connector CN16 Internal Keyboard Connector CN15Parallel port IRQ Parallel port connector CN17PS/2 keyboard and mouse connectorsCN18 IrDA Connector CN19North bridge chip Fan Connector CN21 CPU Fan power connectors CN20Compact Flash Connector CN22 Award Bios Setup To Enter Setup Before Boot Press DEL KEY Starting setupThese keys helps you navigate in Award Bios Setup keysGetting Help Case of ProblemsMain Setup Menu Load Fail-Safe Defaults PnP/PCI ConfigurationLoad Optimized Defaults Set Supervisor/User PasswordDate and Time Configuration Standard Cmos FeaturesAward Bios Setup Drive a Drive B Memory Halt OnBase Memory Other Memory Extended MemoryVirus Warning Advanced Bios FeaturesQuick Power On Self Test Processor Number FeatureFirst/Second/Third/Fourth Boot Device CPU Internal Cache/External CacheBoot Up NumLock Status Boot Up Floppy SeekBoot Up System Speed Swap Floppy DriveTypematic Delay Msec- Sets the delay time Typematic Rate Setting- Key strokes repeat at aTypematic Rate Chars/Sec- Sets the number Security OptionReport No FDD For WIN 95- Report HDD S.M.A.R.T CapabilityEPA Logo Select Small LogoEPA showSdram RAS-to-CAS Delay Advanced Chipset FeaturesSdram CAS Latency Time Sdram Cycle Time Tras/TrcVideo Bios Cacheable System Bios CacheableCPU Latency Timer Delayed TransactionPaging Mode Control On board Display Cache Setting CAS LatencyAGP Graphics Aperture Size Display Cache FrequencyRAS#Timing RAS-to-CAS OverrideRAS#Percharge Timing On-Chip Primary PCI IDE Integrated PeripheralsOn-Chip Secondary PCI IDE IDE Primary/Secondary Master/Slave PIOPower on Function IDE HDD Block ModeUSB Controller USB Keyboard SupportHot Key Power On KB Power on PasswordUart Mode Select Onboard FDC ControllerECP Mode Use DMA Parallel Port ModeOnboard Serial Ports 1 Onboard Parallel PortWatch Dog Timer Acpi Function Power Management SetupVideo Off Method Power ManagementHDD Power Down Suspend ModeVideo Off In Suspend Suspend TypeResume By Alarm Power On By RingReload Global Timer Events PnP OS installed PnP/PCI ConfigurationsReset Configuration Data IRQ Resources Resources Controlled ByDMA Resources PCI/VGA Palette SnoopPC Health Status Shutdown TemperatureFrequency/Voltage Control Clock By Slight AdjustAuto Detect DIMM/PCI CLK Spread SpectrumLoad Fail-Safe Defaults Load Optimized Default Load Optimized DefaultEnter Password Set Supervisor PasswordSet User Password Save to Cmos and Exit Save to Cmos and ExitExit without Saving Drivers Installation Installing Drivers Installing Chipset Driver for Windows 95/98 Installing Ultra ATA Storage Driver for Windows 95/98 Installing Intel 82559 for Windows 95 or 98 Ver Installing VGA for Windows 95/98 Installing Audio for Windows 95/98 Please perform this procedure first Installing Security Driver for Windows NTInstalling Ultra ATA Storage Driver for Windows NT Installing VGA for Windows NT Installing Audio for Windows NT ==Intel Pro Adapter will appear ==Click on OK Installing Intel 82559 for Windows NTInstalling VGA for Windows Installing Audio for Windows