| After Create AFP Data creates the output files, you can use them in these ways: |
| v Send the merged file to another system for printing, storage, or viewing. |
v Use the AFP Workbench Viewer (a component of iSeries Access) or the AFP | |
Viewer | |
merged file to guarantee resource availability. | |
| v Store the merged file in a document archival system, such as IBM OnDemand for |
| iSeries or Content Manager Common Server. |
| v Use your own retrieval system to access information in the files using retrieval |
| information in the index object file. |
Create AFP Data has these benefits:
vMore flexibility with line data
Once you convert line data to AFP, you can view the converted document using the AFP Workbench Viewer or the AFP Viewer
vSimple archival method
You can save the AFP merged file in organized directories so you can print with fidelity to the original document.
vPortable output
Packaging the output with the resources needed to print lets you use the merged file on other operating systems.
vIncreased productivity
When working with large output files, indexing lets you quickly locate the necessary information, whether the document is archived or is being viewed.
Image Transforms
The image transforms are a set of transforms that run on a Windows system and transform the following types of data into AFP or PostScript Level 2:
vgraphics interchange format (GIF)
vJoint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
vTag Image File Format (TIFF)
You transform the data using commands on a Windows command line. You can have the transform create an AFP overlay or page segment. You can then use use iSeries Access or OS/400 commands to create overlays and page segments on your OS/400 from the output.
Some benefits of using the image transforms are:
vUse of images across platforms
These transforms let you integrate current image formats into iSeries applications
You can use the same images in your iSeries documents, workstation documents, and Web documents.
Chapter 3. Understanding the Infoprint Server Components 21