IBM G544-5774-01 manual Segment

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Page segment


Form definition


Page definition




Recommended for microfilm

rotation. The number of degrees a graphic character is turned relative to the page coordinates.


segment. Synonym for page segment.

sheet. A division of the physical medium on which data is presented. The IPDS architecture defines 4 types of sheet: cut-sheet forms, continuous forms, envelopes, and computer output on microfilm. Each sheet has a front side and a back side. Some types of media consist of multiple sheets; for example, a roll of continuous forms can be divided at the perforations into rectangular sheets. Each sheet usually has carrier or tractor-feed strips, also. Microfilm is another example of a medium comprising multiple sheets, whereas an envelope has only one sheet. Synonymous with form.

simplex printing. Printing on only one side of the paper. Contrast with duplex printing.

single-byte coded font. A font in which the characters are defined by a one-byte code point. A single-byte coded font contains only one coded font section. Contrast with double-byte coded font.

spooled file. A file created by an application program that contains the actual information to be printed and some of the data that controls the format of the printing. Spooled files can contain MO:DCA-P data, line data, or a combination of MO:DCA-P and line data.

structured field. A self-identifying, variable-length, bounded record that can have a content portion that provides control information, data, or both.

syntax. The rules and keywords that govern the use of a programming language.


table reference characters (TRC). An optional control character in an input record that identifies the font with which the record is to be printed. The table reference character corresponds to a font number defined in a page definition font list or to the order of font names listed in the CHARS parameter in the JCL.

tag. A type of structured field used for indexing in an AFP document. Tags associate an index attribute - value pair with a specific page or group of pages in a document.

terminate. (1) To stop the operation of a system or device. (2) To stop execution of a program.

text. A graphic representation of information on an output medium. Text can consist of alphanumeric characters and symbols arranged in paragraphs, tables, columns, or other shapes.

token ring. A network configuration in which tokens are passed in a circuit from node to node. A node that is ready to send can capture the token and insert data for transmission.

trace. A record of the execution of a computer program. It exhibits the sequences in which the instructions were executed. (A)

TRC. See table reference character.

trigger. Data values for which CRTAFPDTA searches, to delineate the beginning of a new group of pages. The first trigger is then the anchor point from which CRTAFPDTA locates the defined index values. See anchor point.


upload. (1) To transfer programs or data from a connected device, typically a personal computer, to a computer with greater resources. (T) (2) To transfer data from a device, such as a workstation or a microcomputer, to a computer. Contrast with download.


Viewer. See AFP Workbench Viewer.


X-axis.In printing, an axis perpendicular to the direction in which the paper moves through the printer. See also Y-axis.

X-extent.A measurement along the X-axis.


Y-axis.In printing, an axis parallel to the direction in which the paper moves through the printer. See also X-axis.

Y-extent.A measurement along the Y-axis.

36Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide

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Contents Introduction and Planning Guide Page Introduction and Planning Guide Internet Contents Page Figures Page Who Should Read This Book Prerequisite and Related informationISeries Navigator Summary of Changes Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide What Infoprint Server Can Do for You How Output Requirements Are ChangingHow to Handle the Changing Output Requirements How Infoprint Server Fits in with OS/400 PrintingOS/400 Applications Application What’s New in Infoprint Server Version 5.2? DDSBenefits of Using Infoprint Server Create Electronic OutputBetter Access to Ipds Printers Handle Print Jobs EffectivelyExternal Formatting Flexibility Easier Navigation of Large FilesHardware Requirements Software RequirementsCompatibility Using Infoprint Server Publishing iSeries Output Electronically Shows how Infoprint Server lets you publish iSeries outputElectronic Report Distribution PSFPrinting Enterprise Print Output on Ipds Printers LPRIntegrating Web and Network Images into iSeries Applications Indexing Data for Navigation Shows how you can use Infoprint Server to index dataDistributing AFP Output Electronically Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide Understanding the Infoprint Server Components WorkstationMail Support AFPNeed a PSF licence to use the subsystem Create AFP Data Command Image Transforms Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide Related Products Advanced Print UtilityAFP Font Collection AFP ToolboxISeries Access AFP UtilitiesAFP Viewer Plug-in Infoprint Designer for iSeriesRelated Products Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide Copyright IBM Corp Trademarks Page Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide Glossary AFP. See Advanced Function PresentationCarriage control character. An optional character Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code IOCA. See Image Object Content Architecture X0-XG,XZ Segment Bibliography Infoprint ServerAdvanced Function Presentation AFP Infoprint DesignerOS/400 PrintersPrintSuite RedbooksBibliography Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide Readers’ Comments We’d Like to Hear from You How satisfied are you that the information in this book isBusiness Reply Mail Page Program Number 5722-IP1 G544-5774-01