IBM 6400 manual Table of Contents

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Table of Contents


Workgroup Supplies - Color


Infoprint Color 1220


Infoprint Color 1228


Infoprint Color 8


Network Color Printer


Workgroup Supplies - Monochrome



Infoprint 1116

Infoprint 20


Infoprint 1120 and 1125

Infoprint 21


Infoprint 1130 and 1140

Infoprint 32 and 40


Infoprint 1145

Network Printer 12


Infoprint 1000 MFP Options

Network Printer 17


Infoprint 12

Network Printer 24


Impact and Non-Impact Industrial Supplies


IBM 4400


IBM 4230 and 4232


IBM 4247


IBM 6400


Infoprint 62


Enterprise Color Supplies


Infoprint Hi-Lite Color


IBM 3170, InfoColor 70 and Infoprint Color 100


Infoprint Color 100, 130 and 130 Plus


Cutsheet and Continuous Form Production Supplies


IBM 3130

IBM 3900 and Infoprint 4000


IBM 3160 and Infoprint 60

Infoprint 4100

Infoprint 70

Infoprint 2000

Infoprint 2085 and 2105

Infoprint 3000

Image 3
Contents IBM Printing Supplies Page Table of Contents IBM Brand Paper IBM Printing SuppliesInfoprint Color 1228 Supplies IBM Workgroup Printing Supplies ColorInfoprint Color 1220 Supplies Infoprint 1000 FamilyDescription Yield 1 pages Network Color Printer SuppliesIBM Return Program Infoprint 1116 SuppliesInfoprint 1120 and 1125 Supplies Infoprint 1130 and 1140 SuppliesIBM Workgroup Printing Supplies Monochrome Network Printer 24 Supplies Infoprint 32 and 40 SuppliesNetwork Printer 12 Supplies Network Printer 17 SuppliesDescription Use with model IBM Impact and Non-Impact Industrial Printing SuppliesIBM 4400 TTB Thermal Transfer Ribbon IBM 4400 TTR Thermal Transfer RibbonsInfoprint 62 Supplies IBM 4247 Multi-Form Printer SuppliesIBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer Supplies IBM 6400 Model 020 SuppliesDescription Yield1 imp IBM 3170, InfoColor 70 and Infoprint Color 100 SuppliesInfoprint 2000 Supplies IBM 3130 SuppliesIBM 3160 and Infoprint 60 Supplies Infoprint 70 SuppliesDescription Yield4 pages Infoprint 2085 and 2105 SuppliesInfoprint 3000 Supplies IBM 3900 and Infoprint 4000 SuppliesDescription Yield5 feet Infoprint 4100 SuppliesWhere to Buy