IBM HH LTO manual Trademarks, Federal Communications Commission FCC statement

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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this

Appendix F. Product warranty and notices 33

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Contents User’s Guide Page User’s Guide Page Contents Iv 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Safety Read first Vi 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Part 2 Appendixes Part 1 Installation and maintenance guideAbout this book Registering your optionViii 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Product description Installation and user’s guideSoftware description General installation instructions Installation requirementsInstalling the drive Installing the drive in IBM serversSetting the Scsi ID Preparing for installationMounting the drive Attaching cables Completing the installationTurning on the device Using the driveUpdating the configuration Installing backup and restore softwareLoading tape cartridges Front Panel LEDsEmergency unload Unloading tape cartridgesResetting the drive Setting write protection on the cartridgePacking the drive for shipping 10 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Cleaning cartridges Appendix A. MaintenanceCaring for tape cartridges 12 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Tape handling and storage Environmental issuesTape drive cleaning Appendix B. Tape handling14 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Physical specifications Appendix C. Product specifications16 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Computer does not restart after installation Appendix D. TroubleshootingUnderstanding LEDs Post-installation troubleshootingFault diagnosis 20 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Online technical support Appendix E. Help and service informationTelephone technical support HelpCenter Phone List Warranty Statements Appendix F. Product warranty and noticesIBM Warranty for Machines Items Not Covered by Warranty Extent of WarrantyWarranty Service Limitation of Liability Production Status26 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Warranties of ANY Kind 28 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Following terms apply to all Emea countries Part 2 Worldwide Country-Unique TermsFollowing terms apply to the country specified Appendix F. Product warranty and notices North America Federal Communications Commission FCC statement TrademarksEuropean Union emission directive Industry Canada Class B emission compliance statementAvis de conformite a la reglementation d’Industrie Canada Deutsche EMV-Direktive electromagnetische VerträglichkeitUnione Europea Directiva EMC Conformidad électromagnética Union Européenne Directive Conformité électromagnétiqueUnion Europea Normativa EMC 36 100/200 GB HH LTO Internal Tape Drive User’s Guide Page Part Number 24P2397

HH LTO specifications

IBM's Linear Tape-Open (LTO) technology has become a cornerstone of data storage solutions, providing organizations with a reliable, cost-effective means to manage the vast amounts of data generated in today’s digital age. The IBM HH LTO, specifically referring to the Half-Height Linear Tape Open drives, brings together advanced features and technologies tailored to meet the needs of modern enterprises.

One of the main features of the IBM HH LTO drives is their impressive storage capacity. The latest LTO generation can store up to 18 TB of uncompressed data per cartridge, and with data compression, that number can effectively double to 36 TB. This high capacity allows organizations to store large datasets efficiently without needing to invest heavily in multiple storage media.

In terms of performance, IBM HH LTO drives are engineered for speed. With transfer rates that can reach up to 400 MB/s uncompressed and 800 MB/s compressed, these drives ensure that data backups and retrievals are swift and efficient. This boosts operational productivity, allowing IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than data management tasks.

Technologically, the IBM HH LTO utilizes advanced error correction and data integrity features. The integration of features such as Linear Tape File System (LTFS) simplifies data management by providing file-system-like access to tape data. This makes it easier for users to manage and retrieve specific files without the need to work through a cumbersome backup system.

Another characteristic that stands out is the drive's environmental sustainability. IBM LTO technology focuses on energy efficiency and lower total cost of ownership, making it an eco-friendly option for data archiving. The drives consume less power in standby modes, which aligns with enterprises’ growing sustainability goals.

Moreover, IBM's commitment to innovation is evident through its ongoing development of future LTO generations that are expected to enhance capacity, performance, and more advanced features, ensuring that businesses can continue to rely on LTO technology as their data storage needs evolve.

Overall, the IBM HH LTO drives embody a blend of high capacity, speed, reliability, and sustainability, making them an ideal choice for organizations looking to optimize their data storage strategy while preparing for future growth.