Retail/Sales Force Automation: NetSetGo
Sales Force Automation Application tied in with retail store point of sale and Lawson accounting system
DB2E database | DB2E sync server | DB2 UDB |
on WinCE/ | on WinNT | on AS/400 |
Compaq IPAQ | "seconds" | "less than a minute" |
1.Salesperson takes order and verifies 2. Order forwarded from PDA;
item in stock; | immediate fulfillment |
76,000 SKUs to choose from. |
Benefits: Fewer errors, Faster delivery, Sales productivity
Retail/Easy of Use: Penn State
Penn State Center for Advanced Information Technology
Used DB2 Everyplace in second year college class - students created a 'store' that can be accessed from a Palm device to order or check order status
Use DB2 Everyplace on Palm OS; Sync Server on NT
"We were amazed that DB2 Everyplace was a full function database, yet had a small footprint and ran on an handheld device...And the Mobile Appplication Builder was fantastic - led students through a point and click programming process and automatically created the C code for the Palm..."