Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches can be configured either as command or member switches in a Cisco switch cluster. Cisco CMS also allows the network administrator to designate a standby or redundant command switch, which takes the commander duties should the primary command switch fail. Other important features include the ability to configure multiple ports and switches simultaneously, as well as perform software updates across the entire cluster at once. Bandwidth graphs and link reports provide useful diagnostic information and the topology map gives network administrators a quick view of the network status.
Q. When would I deploy a Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series versus a Cisco Catalyst 3550 Series switch?
A. The Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches are designed for deployment in similar topological positions in the network as the Cisco Catalyst 3550 switches. These positions include in the access layer and network backbone of enterprise wiring closets and branch office networks. The Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches are ideal for those networks requiring higher levels of availability, redundancy, and performance, and offer the next level of ease of stack management. The Cisco Catalyst 3750 also provides a higher performance stack interconnect with Cisco StackWise Technology.
Q. What is the positioning of the Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series switches relative to the Cisco Catalyst 2950 Series switches?
A. The Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches and the Cisco Catalyst 2950G switches are capable of delivering intelligent services such as advanced QoS,
Q. Can CMS manage the Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches with other desktop switches?
A. All desktop switching platforms including the Cisco Catalyst 3750, 3550, 2950,
Q. How is Cisco StackWise technology different from GigaStack?
A. GigaStack is a 1 Gbps stacking mechanism that allows traffic to pass between individual switches. Cisco StackWise technology is a
Service and Warranty
Q. What is the warranty for the Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switches?
A. Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches come with the Cisco Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty. Ongoing software updates are available to customers on the Cisco Web site free of charge.
Limited Lifetime Warranty
The hardware warranty available on Cisco Catalyst 3750, 3550, 2950, and 3500 XL is the Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty. This warranty automatically comes with the purchase of eligible Cisco Catalyst products, free of charge. For specific details on the Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty visit:
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