Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU
Video Processing Module Initial Configuration for the 3515 MCU
Step 1 Access the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU through the serial port and start a terminal emulator session.
Note If the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU is already running, you need to reboot or restart the device.
Step 2 When the message “Press any key to start configuration” appears on the screen, press any key within six seconds.
The network configuration Main menu appears.
Step 3 At the prompt, enter A to display the Advanced Configuration menu and press Enter. The Advanced Configuration menu appears.
Step 4 At the prompt, enter 3 to select “Change LAN port Settings” and press Enter.
Step 5 At the prompt, enter the number or letter for one of the following:
–1 - 10Mbps Half Duplex
–2 - 100Mbps half Duplex
–3 - 10Mbps Full Duplex
–4 - 100Mbps Full Duplex
–5 - Auto
–Q - Quit
Enter this value to retain the current setting. The default setting is Auto.
Step 6 Press Enter.
The network configuration Main menu appears.
Step 7 At the Network Configuration menu, do one of the following:
–Enter the letter for the set of parameters that you want to configure.
–Enter Q to save your changes and allow the device to complete the boot process.
Changing the Configuration Software Password
You can use the serial port to change the configuration software password.
Step 1 At the prompt, enter P to change the configuration software password and press Enter. The user profile screen appears as follows:
Enter user name:
Enter new password:
Step 2 At the Enter user name prompt, enter the new user name and press Enter.
| Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 |