Chapter 5 Configuring Additional Router Features
Configuring Telnet, HTTP, and XML Host Services
Configuring Telnet, HTTP, and XML Host Services
For security, some host services are disabled by default. Host services, such as Telnet, Extensible Markup Language (XML), and HTTP, can be optionally enabled using the commands described in this section. Host services provide the following features:
•Enabling the Telnet server allows users to log in to the router using IPv4 or IPv6 Telnet clients.
•Enabling the HTTP server allows users to log in to the router using the CWI.
•Enabling the XML agent enables XML Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) agent services so that you can manage and configure the router using an XML interface.
The following prerequisites must be met before configuring the Telnet, HTTP, and XML host services:
•For the XML and HTTP host services, the Manageability package must be installed and activated on the router.
•To enable the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) of the HTTP and XML services, the Security package must be installed and activated on the router.
See Cisco IOS XR System Management Configuration Guide for information on installing and activating packages.
Note This process enables the Telnet, HTTP and XML host services on the Management Ethernet interfaces. For more information on how to enable these services on other inband interfaces, refer to the Implementing Management Plane Protection on Cisco IOS XR Software module in Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
2.telnet {ipv4 ipv6} server
3.http server
4.xml agent corba
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