SAN Design: March 29, 2001 3:18 pm
TABLE 1. Glossary of Fibre Channel and SAN Design Terminology
Term | Definition |
Frame | Fibre channel structure used to transmit data. Consists of |
| payload, cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and |
| trol frames. Similar to the networking concept “packet”. |
FSPF | Fabric Shortest Path First. BROCADE routing protocol for fibre channel switches |
| Generic Port. Port that can operate either as E _Port or F _Port. Ports are defined as G_Ports when disconnected or have |
| not assumed specific function within fabric |
GBIC | Gigabit Interface Converter |
HBA | Host Bus Adapter. Interface card between a server or workstation bus and the fibre channel network. Similar to a net- |
| work interface card |
ISL | Interswitch Link. Fibre channel link from the E_Port of one switch to E_Port of another. |
JBOD | Just a Bunch Of Disks. A number of disks connected in a single chassis to one or more controllers |
Latency | Time required to transmit a frame, from the time sent until time of arrival. |
Link | As applies to fibre channel, a physical connection between two ports, consisting of both transmit and receive fibres |
LWL GBIC | Long wavelength fibre optic GBIC. Based on 1300 nm lasers supporting 1.0625 Gbps link speeds. Connectors are |
| |
MIB | Management Information Base. SNMP structure that provides configuration and device information to assist with |
| device management |
Name Server | Service of storing names, addresses, and attributes for up to 15 minutes, provided by a switch to other entities in fab- |
| ric. Defined by fibre channel standards, and existing at a |
| or directory service |
| Node Port. Port that can attach to a fibre channel port. |
| Storage Area Network. Network of systems and storage devices that usually communicate using fibre channel proto- |
| cols. |
SWL GBIC | Short wavelength |
| |
BROCADE Technical Note | Page: 29 of 31 |