Hardware Installation
Chapter 1: Hardware Installation
1.Connect the interface cable to the Freecom Hard Drive XS 3.0.
2.ConnectthecableofthepowersupplytotheFreecomHard Drive XS 3.0 and the power supply itself to the socket.
3.Connect the interface cable to the interface port of your computer.
Safely remove the Freecom Hard Drive XS 3.0 via your operating system (the "unplug or eject hardware" option in the Windows taskbar) before disconnecting the USB cable or power cable and before switching off the device. Failing to do so may result in data loss.
Chapter : Driver Installation
Under Windows XP / Vista and Windows 7 a separate Freecom driver is not required. The drivers will be installed automatically by the operating system after plugging in the Freecom Hard Drive XS 3.0 into the USB port of the computer.