How to Use the Tutorial
This tutorial has five lessons that teach you how to play music on your new iPod and use some other iPod features. Before starting the lessons, look through this chapter to get a feel for iPod and iTunes. You may want to refer back to this chapter as you go through the tutorial lessons.
To get music on your iPod quickly, follow the directions in Lessons 1 to 3, starting on page 11. In these lessons, you learn how to get music into iTunes, transfer music from iTunes to iPod, and use the iPod controls to play music.
To learn how to use iPod as a hard disk, so you can store other files from your PC on iPod, go through Lesson 4 (see page 26). To learn more advanced ways of transferring and managing your music, go through Lesson 5 (see page 29).
Before You Begin
Before you start, make sure that you complete the following:
•Insert the iPod CD into your PC and install iTunes and the iPod software.
•To make it easier to complete the lessons, print this document.
•Be sure your PC and operating system meet the minimum iPod system requirements. See the iPod User’s Guide for system requirements.
iPod and iTunes at a Glance