1.Read the firmware update for important changes to the unit's operation or the update procedure. If a firmware release note contradicts these instructions, follow the release notes instead.
2.Insert the CipherUSB with a storage device. The CipherUSB will not respond unless a storage device is attached to it.
3.Run the CipherUSB.exe program. If the CipherUSB unit has not been initialized with a password, the Update Firmware tab will not appear. Initialize the unit with a password, unplug it, plug it back in, then select the Update Firmware tab.
4.Be sure the DX Information section shows AES Length is 256 and ECB mode is selected.
5.In the Update new firmware section, click the Firmware button. Change the file type to “BinaryFile(*.256) if neces sary, then browse to the folder containing the new firmware and open it.
6.Click the Start Programming button. A dialog will shortly appear instructing you to remove the CipherUSB and reinsert it. After removing and reinserting the device, the firm ware update will be completed.
Note: The CipherUSB may or may not need to be initialized with the password again. If a storage device using the existing pass- word is connected when the CipherUSB is reinserted and the file system appears intact, the password has been retained. Otherwise it may be necessary to set the password again.
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