Moxa Technologies 5600 user manual Fast Flush only flush local buffer

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NPort 5600 Series User’s Manual

Configuring Windows Administrator

Fast Flush (only flush local buffer)

1.We have added one optional “Fast Flush” function in our new NPort Real COM driver. NPort Administrator Suite for 2G NPort adds it after version 1.2.

2.For some applications, the user’s program will use the Win32 “PurgeComm()” function before it reads or writes data. With our design, after the program uses this PurgeComm() function, the NPort driver will keep querying NPort’s firmware several times to make sure there is really no data queued in the NPort firmware buffer, rather than just flushing the local buffer. This kind of design is used because of some special considerations. However, it might take more time (about several hundred milliseconds) than a native COM1, because it needs to work via Ethernet. That’s why the native COM ports on the motherboard can work fast with this function call, but NPort requires much more time. In order to accommodate other applications that require a faster response time, the new NPort driver implements a new “Fast Flush” option. Note that by default, this function is disabled.

3.To begin with, make sure there are some “PurgeComm()” functions being used in your application program. In this kind of situation, you might find that your NPort exhibits a much poorer operation performance than when using the native COM1 port. Once you have enabled the “Fast Flush” function, you can check to see if there has been an improvement in performance.

4.By default, the optional “Fast Flush” function is disabled. If you would like to enable this function, from the “NPort Administrator,” double click on the COM ports that are mapped to the NPort, and then select the “Fast Flush” checkbox. You should fnd that when “Fast Flush” is enabled, the NPort driver will work faster with “PurgeComm().”

The Serial Parameter settings shown here are the default settings when the NPort is powered on. However, the program can redefine the serial parameters to different values after the program opens the port via Win 32 API.

After setting the COM Mapping, remember to select Apply Change to save the information in the host system registry. The host computer will not have the ability to use the COM port until after Apply Change is selected.


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Contents Fifth Edition, August NPort 5600 Series User’s ManualTrademarks Copyright NoticeDisclaimer Table of Contents Chapter IP Serial LIB Introduction Product Features Package ChecklistOverview Product Specifications Environment Software FeaturesPower Requirements MechanicalGetting Started ‰ Panel Layout ‰ Connecting the HardwarePanel Layout Wiring Requirements Connecting the HardwareConnecting NPort 5610/30-16/8’s Power Connecting to the Network Connecting NPort 5610-16/8-48V’s PowerGrounding NPort 5610-16/8-48V LED Name LED Color LED Function Connecting to a Serial DeviceLED Indicators Real Time ClockPage Initial IP Address Configuration LCM Display Factory Default IP AddressDefault IP address Initializing NPort’s IP AddressDetailed Menu Options Button Name ActionLevel ARP NPort Administration SuiteTelnet Console Page Page Choosing the Proper Operation Mode TCP Server Mode UDP Mode TCP Client ModeReal COM Mode Page Web Console Configuration Opening Your Browser NPort 5600 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration Time zone Basic SettingsTime Server nameTime server ConsoleMethod Function Definition Network SettingsIP Address DNS server 1 / DNS server IP ConfigurationNetmask GatewayContact Snmp SettingsIP Address Report Community nameAuto report period Serial SettingsAuto report to IP Auto report to TCP portSerial Parameters Interface Operating SettingsSetting Factory Default Necessity Enable, Disable Required RequiredMax. connection Real COM ModeTCP alive check time Max connectionForce transmit NPort 5600 Series User’s Manual Web Console ConfigurationSetting Factory Default Necessity To FF None Optional Setting Factory Default Necessity To 65535 ms OptionalInactivity time TCP Server ModeDelimiter Local TCP port Setting Factory Default Necessity 4001 RequiredCommand port Setting Factory Default Necessity 966 OptionalTCP Client Mode Delimiter Destination IP address 2/3/4 Destination IP addressTCP connect on UDP Mode Local listen port Allowable Hosts Input format Accessible IP SettingsHosts on a specific subnet can access the NPort Any host can access the NPortAuto warning E-mail and Snmp Trap Auto Warning SettingsMail Server Snmp Trap Server Event TypeMail Setting Factory Default Necessity Enable, Disable OptionalDCD changed DSR changedLoad Factory Defaults Change PasswordConfiguring Windows Administrator Installing Windows Administrator Page Configuration Broadcast Search Lock Unlock Password ProtectionUnlock Lock Fixed Configuring NPortBlank FixedUpgrading Firmware Monitor Configuration menu bar itemExport/Import Select Add Target SettingsSelect a Refresh Rate the default is 3 seconds Port Monitor On-line COM Mapping COM MappingPage Fast Flush only flush local buffer Off-line COM Mapping IP Location Page IP Serial LIB Why Use IP Serial Library? What is IP Serial Library?How to install IP Serial Library Port Control Input/Output Data Port Status Miscellaneous IP Serial LIB Function GroupsExample Program Server ControlPage ‰ Port Pinout Diagrams Pinouts and Cable WiringRS-232 Pinouts Wire RS-422 Pinouts Port Pinout DiagramsEthernet Port Pinouts Serial Port Pinouts Wire RS-485 Pinouts Cable Wiring DiagramsEthernet Cables Serial Cables Pin Assignments for DB25 Male and Female Connectors Pin Assignments for DB9 and DB25 ConnectorsRJ45 8 pins to DB25 Male for NPort Pin Assignments for DB9 Male and Female ConnectorsPage Well Known Port Numbers TCP Socket Application ServiceNPort 5600 Series User’s Manual Well Known Port Numbers UDP Socket Application ServiceSystem MIB Interfaces MIB Snmp Agent with MIB II & RS-232 Like GroupIpNetToMediaNetAddress IpNetToMediaType IpRoutingDiscards Address Translation MIB UDP MIB TCP MIB Snmp MIBPage Auto IP Report Protocol AP ID & Hardware ID Mapping Table Auto IP Report FormatInfo n ID ListService Information Following services are provided Moxa Internet ServicesMoxa Product Problem Report FormSerial Number Product Return Procedure Figures Revision History